For renters
- Why are exact property addresses not shown?
In order to protect our homeowners, Rent Like A Champion does not disclose the full property address or exact location prior to a completed booking. The exact address of the home will be provided once the booking is finalized.
On the right hand side of each listing page there is a map which allows you to zoom in to a certain extent. This can help give you an idea of where the home is located.
If you need a more accurate location prior to booking, please contact us.
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - How do I rent a home for a football weekend?
On the homepage, type in the town that you are planning to visit. From here, select the event you are interested in attending to see the available homes. Feel free to filter results by size, price and distance to the event. Once you find a home you like, hit the reserve button to go through the booking process. Once you’ve booked and paid for the home, you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your reservation, including the exact address of the home. Finally, enjoy your trip!
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - What time is check-in and check-out?
A typical rental weekend has a check-in of 5pm Friday and a check-out of noon Sunday. Many homeowners are open to extended stays, if you need some extra time!
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - What is the policy for early check-in or late check-out requests?
Many homeowners are available for early check-ins, late check-outs, or extended stay periods. Extra nights generally come at an additional cost which is determined by the homeowner.
To reach out to the homeowner to request an extended stay, please follow the steps below:
Select the check-in or check-out date and/or time and edit them to suit your needs
Choose the button to Request Reservation to submit to the homeowner
Complete the necessary information on page two, then choose the Send Request button
You will receive an email with the owner's reply and the next steps to take to complete the booking process.
If you need any assistance, please contact us with any requests and be sure to include your group's size, reservation dates, and desired properties.
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - Are listed prices on a per night basis or for the entire length of my stay?
Listed prices are for the entire length of your stay. There is a 9% service fee added at the time of booking.
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - Does the reservation price include the damage deposit?
A damage deposit hold of $1,000 will be placed on the credit card on file about 3 days prior to check-in. This hold is released 48 hours after check-out, provided there are no reported damages.
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - What is the total cost of booking a home?
At the time of booking, occupants are required to pay the listed price plus an 9% service fee.
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - What payment types are accepted?
Rent Like A Champion accepts all credit or debit cards through our payment system. Payment can be put all on one card, or split among your group using a PayByGroup. The rental check-out process will give you this option.
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - What happens if I need to cancel my reservation?
If a contract is terminated at least 60 days in advance of the reservation date, you are eligible to receive a 50% refund.
Reservations cancelled within 60 days of the reservation date are non-refundable. The 2.9% credit card fee cannot be refunded, since the Company cannot recover that cost.
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - Ready to Book?
Fantastic! We can't wait to host you. Find your property and book a great home!
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - What is expected from me as a renter?
Just as our homeowners are expected to provide a clean environment for our renters, our renters are expected to leave the home in the condition that they found the home. We have a list of renter guidelines listed below. Please look through and feel free to reach out to us with any questions.
Renter Expectations
Click here to find more answers to your questions!
For Homeowners
- Why should I list my home here?
Rent Like A Champion provides short term vacation rentals specifically for travelers coming to your town for big events. We take care of contracts, payments and damage deposits, direct marketing and homeowner rental insurance. All you need to do is prepare your home!
We pride ourselves on great service, and we’re available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. We understand renting your home is a big deal, and we’re here to help you every step of the way. If you’d like to learn more about who Rent Like A Champion is, please visit this handy info page!
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - How does Rent Like A Champion protect me from damage?
When a renter books a home, they agree to a renter contract, holding them liable for any damages or accidents that may occur over the weekend. Feel free to read that contract here. Rent Like A Champion places a $1,000 damage deposit hold on the credit card of each renter prior to check-in. There are damage deposit claims made on less than 2% of our rentals for an average of less than $100.
The most comprehensive way Rent Like A Champion protects homeowners is with the damage protection policy which covers homeowners up to $1 Million dollars in liability or property damage, as well as $5,000 of content protection. If you’d like to read more about the insurance policy, please Click Here!
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - How do I list my home on
There is a button in the top right corner of the home page to List Your Home! Select this link to begin the step-by-step process of listing your home. Be sure to spend a little time telling potential renters why your home is so great!
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - How much will it cost me to list my home?
It is free to list your property with Rent Like A Champion! Our service fee is 17.9% and this is assessed when you are paid for each rental. This fee covers all marketing cost to drive renters to book your home, your $1 Million Dollar insurance policy, and on-demand support. Please note that there is a $250 minimum charge per reservation for South Bend homeowners.
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - Do I have control over the price of my home? How do I get paid?
Absolutely! You control your rental rates for each event. If you would like any guidance on rates, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to recommend a pricing structure to suit your home.
Homeowner proceeds are processed 48 hours after check-out and will be paid to you via direct deposit within 5-6 business days.
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - How do I treat home reservation income for Federal tax purposes?
The IRS Federal Tax Code contains a provision that states that homeowners are not required to pay federal income taxes on income generated by renting their primary residence for 14 days or less each year.
Specific information can be found on the IRS's website: IRS Homeowner Income - Topic 415
Here is a story from the Wall Street Journal: 14 Day Rule in WSJ
Note: we are not tax advisors and cannot give specific tax advice. Please consult your own tax professional.
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - How do I deal with state and local rules and taxes?
Homeowners are personally responsible for being aware of and abiding by all local ordinances and tax codes which may or may not exist in your specific area.
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - How should I take my photos? Have any tips?
Photos of the home are easily the most important part of a listing. Images that are bright and cleared of any unnecessary clutter perform better and lead to more rentals. We recommend taking and uploading at least one photo of each room in the home, and at least 5 are required to be verified and listed on the website.
Feel free to review our guide to taking photos below.
Photos Tips
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - How do I determine how many people my home can accommodate?
In arriving at your final "Accommodation Number", the following totals should be used:
King Bed - 2 people, Queen Bed - 2 people, Full Bed - 2 people, Twin Bed - 1 person, Air Mattress - 1 person, Sleeper Sofa - 1 person, Sofa - 1 person. Please note, only list air mattresses if you are able to provide air mattresses for guests.
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - What amenities am I expected to provide for renters?
Above all else, cleanliness is the top priority for renters. Homeowners are responsible for providing a clean residence, fresh linens and towels, and basic household amenities for the occupants.
Upon completing the listing process, we will provide you with a detailed "Homeowner Expectations" guide and general tips and advice to make renting your home as easy and profitable as possible!
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - What if my schedule changes and my home is no longer available for a specific game?
Rent Like A Champion is an instant booking platform, meaning if there is pricing added for a specific event, your home is listed as available and can be booked. Should your home be unavailable or become unavailable, simply login to your user account and remove pricing for a particular event. Be sure to hit the “save” button after each edit.
Click here to find more answers to your questions! - I've moved or sold my house and want to take down my listing. What should I do?
While you will be obligated to honor future reservations, simply send us an email at and we will take your listing down within one business day.
Click here to find more answers to your questions!